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09 Jan 2019

Small and medium businesses needed for older carers research

Can you spare an hour and a half over coffee and cake to help Working Potential understand what help and support you need as a small business, to recruit and retain older carers in the workplace?


We’d like you to share your knowledge and experience with us and tell us what you need.


What we need:

  • Small or Medium sized employers from Bolton, Salford or Wigan
  • About an hour to an hour and a half of your time
  • To learn about the barriers small businesses have retaining and recruiting employees over 50, particularly those with caring responsibilities
  • To understand what resources or support would be useful to assist you in becoming more age and carer-friendly  


Who we are:

Working Potential is a National Lottery funded research programme, delivered by Ambition for Ageing and led by GMCVO. We aim to collect and collate as much information as possible about the best ways to support carers over 50 into employment. Our findings will be fed back to policymakers to aid strategic and policy decision-making.


Why we need you:

Private sector small businesses account for 60% of employment in the sector. Most of the best practice around age-friendly and carer-friendly employment is aimed at large businesses, who have separate departments responsible for Human Resources. We are keen to understand what best practice is realistic and achievable for smaller businesses, and what support or resources would be useful to help you achieve that.


What’s in it for you?

  • An opportunity to feed into research that will be heard by policymakers
  • A chance to learn ways in which your business can attract older, experienced talent
  • A chance to network with other small businesses
  • And last but not least - cake!


What’s next

Drop Nisha Frizzell an email at or call 0161 277 1037 to let her know your availability and she’ll be in touch with dates and venues. 
