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Supporting our staff as older carers: VCSE Briefing

The briefing provides practical information for use by VCSE organisations on how to support older carers as employees or potential employees and therefore lead by example in this area.


Key points from the briefing include:


  • Leading by example doesn’t have to be expensive.


  • Simple adaptations can make recruitment and working practices, flexible for all and raise an organisation’s profile to one of an employer of choice. 


  • Flexibility in workplace practices aids staff retention, widens the pool from which you recruit and improves staff loyalty and morale.    


  • Adopting and promoting a carers policy consistently across an organisation means staff know their entitlements and feel confident discussing their needs with an understanding employer, resulting in a reduction of sick leave and an increase in staff resilience and productivity.


  • Ensuring recruitment is flexible and inclusive, demonstrates VCSE principles in action.


The briefing is available to download from the top right of this page.



The findings from the VCSE Briefing on Supporting our Staff as Older Carers are drawn from various sources. The following references help to complement the briefing and place it in context:


  • Becoming an Age-Friendly Employer; Centre for Ageing Better and BITC; Ageing Better 2018 [Link]
  • Greater Manchester Carers Charter; GMCA; GMCA 2018 [Link]
  • Greater Manchester Carers Commitment; GMCA; GMCA 2018 [Link]
  • The Greater Manchester StrategyVarious; GMCA 2017 [Link]
  • Carers UK: Facts About Carers; Carers UK; 2015 [Link]
  • A Greater Manchester Working Carer Toolkit for Employers; Various; GMCA 2018 [Link]
  • The Missing Million: Recommendations for ActionBITC; BITC 2015 [Link]
  • The Business Case for Flexible Working; Timewise; 2017 [Link]
  • ACAS and CIPD Conference: Making Flexibility a Reality for All; 2018 [Link]
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