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02 Aug 2016

Adult social care inquiry launched

The Communities and Local Government Committee has launched an inquiry into the financial sustainability of local authority adult social care and the quality of care provided.


The Committee will invite local authorities, care providers and Government ministers to give evidence at public sessions. It also plans to hear from organisations representing carers and care users.


The Committee is inviting written submissions on the following issues:

  • The impact of the 2015 Spending Review and Local Government Finance Settlement, including the two per cent council tax precept, the Better Care Fund, and the National Living Wage, on whether the funding available for social care is sufficient to enable local authorities to fulfil their duties under the Care Act 2014 to assess and meet the needs of people in need of care and support
  • The role of carers in providing adult social care, the relationship between local authorities and carers and whether the funding available is sufficient for local authorities to assess and meet their needs
  • The effect of local authority adult social care commissioning practices and market oversight functions on their local social care markets
  • Innovative approaches to the design and delivery of adult social care, for example use of digital technology, and the progress made by local authorities and health services to deliver integrated health and social care by 2020, and the expected outcomes

The deadline for written submissions is Friday 19 August 2016.


Parliament also provides helpful guidance on how to submit evidence to a select committee:
