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29 Jul 2021

Age Friendly Neighbourhoods: Communication & Promotion

Would you like to find out how to better promote activities you are running in your neighbourhood?


Would you like to reach people you haven't reached before?


Do you want to learn more about how to promote your activities in light of COVID restrictions?


We are excited to invite you to our upcoming online event on meeting the challenges of communications and promotion in relation to local age-friendly work, on Wednesday 18th August, 10:30am - 12pm.


The event is open to anybody, but particularly those who run community activities for older people who want to learn more about getting the word out about what's going on in their neighbourhood.


During this event, you'll learn from peers in similar situations to you about how they met these challenges, you'll hear presentations from experts on what has worked for them and you will be given opportunities to share your own ideas and suggestions.


Book your place.


This is the first of four events hosted by GMCVO that have been designed based on feedback and suggestions from age-friendly neighbourhoods across Greater Manchester.

