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12 Dec 2019

Age Proud: Exploring Positive Ageing

The Greater Manchester Older People’s Network (GMOPN) aims to make sure that older people have an influence in key decision-making and that their voices are championed in the areas that most affect their lives. Recent research suggests that a quarter of people over 50 have felt discriminated against in the course of their everyday lives. In this report, they bring together the thoughts and ideas of participants attending the Age Proud Event on 2nd October 2019, held as part of the national #AgeProud campaign.


In a pledge to support the campaign, Mayor of Greater Manchester Andy Burnham emphasised the need for, “a modern and positive narrative on ageing that emphasises the contribution older people make”. He stated, “Ageism affects us all - now is the time to change the way we think and talk about ageing”.


Read the report online here. 

