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10 Aug 2020

Ambition for Ageing eBulletin August 2020

Welcome to the latest issue of our e-bulletin which contains all the latest updates from Ambition for Ageing and our partners, and other ageing related news and events.


Please feel free to forward this bulletin onto your colleagues, contacts and networks who can subscribe to receive their own copy by clicking here.


Have you completed the State of the Sector Survey 2020? It is very important that small organisations voices are heard. It will take up to 30 minutes, so sit down with a brew and your annual report, and complete the survey here.


Ambition for Ageing (AfA)


Developing social contact models in a time of social distancing


We have released a new report to help build more effective social connection projects during the new operating environment of COVID-19.


To help make this report into a practical document, we have pulled out sections of relevance that can be used independently, as well as alongside the full report. This includes:


  • A number of design principles to best meet the needs of older people
  • A checklist of challenges to consider when designing or restarting projects
  • A collection of case studies of projects compatible with social distancing with key learning


Read them here


New Research Reports on Ageing Equally in Greater Manchester


In early 2019 we commissioned a number of organisations to deliver research projects on different communities of identity or experience. We are now delighted to share these thirteen reports, along with a simpler summary of each.


Depending on their backgrounds, culture and life circumstances, different people need different things to feel socially connected and supported in their daily lives. We funded the Ageing Equally? research programme to find out more. 


Read the reports here


Growing Older with Learning Disabilities


GM GOLD is an inclusive research project to reduce social isolation amongst older adults with learning disabilities. Our new report has found that relationships many people with learning disabilities rely upon change as they grow older, and the loss of a parent or the onset of age-related medical conditions can significantly disrupt life for someone with learning disabilities. It highlighted the need to support older people with learning disabilities to age positively. 


Read the report here


BAME Ageing in the Community Conference: Understanding what ageing in place means for BAME communities


Tuesday 25th August, Online


Are you a funder or commissioner who is interested in learning more about the challenges faced by older BAME communities in neighbourhoods?


We are excited to invite you to our event on understanding what ageing in place means for Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) communities. We will be launching our new report, Ageing in Place for Minority Ethnic communities: the importance of social infrastructure, which explores how individuals from BAME communities use places, organisations and services for social contact and interaction.


Book your place


Equalities Board supported by LGBT Foundation


Insights on Ageing Equally in Greater Manchester


Following the release of our Ageing Equally? reports, the Equalities Board are also excited to share a short report that compiles the key findings from the research projects that relate to ageing well in place for marginalised communities.


Read it here


Equalities and Ageing Digest #3: Health and Social Care


Each month, the Equalities Board take a look at a topic of interest to older people and look at it from an equalities perspective. They aim to show how different forms of discrimination can cross over and create a deeper experience of inequality.


In their latest inequalities and ageing topical digest, they look at health and social care.


Read it here


GM Older People's Network (GMOPN) supported by Macc


GM Older People’s Network Newsletter - August 2020


The most recent newsletter features updated Coronavirus guidance, information and support, opportunities to have your say and positive stories to support wellbeing.


Read it here


Manchester Institute for Collaborative Research on Ageing (MICRA)


COVID-19: Considering the impact on Older Workers


Thursday 20th August, Online


MICRA are delighted to announce the next event in their webinar series, which is co-hosted by MICRA and AMBS. Speakers include:


  • Dr Sheena Johnson, Senior Lecturer at the University of Manchester:
  • Dr Emily Andrews, Senior Evidence Manager at Centre for Ageing Better:
  • Dr Mat Ainsworth, Assistant Director – Employment (Policy, Strategy & Delivery) Greater Manchester Combined Authority:


Book your place


Hearing loss, cognitive decline and mental health in the shadow of COVID-19


Wednesday 2nd September, Online


In this webinar, MICRA will host three presenters, and a Q&A session.


  • Jenna Littlejohn will speak on hearing loss, mental health and cognitive function during social distancing. 
  • Chris Plack  will present data from recent animal and human studies that reveal the impact of ageing on the neural processing of sounds. 
  • Alistair Burns will speak about the issues arisen with regard to dementia and the impact of Covid 19. 


Book your place


Other Resources and Learning


The impact of lockdown on people in their 50s and 60s revealed


A new report by Ipsos MORI shines a light on the impact lockdown has had on those aged 50-70, revealing dramatic changes to people’s lives and their plans for the future. It features 440 interviews with residents in mid to later life across Greater Manchester.


Read more


Use of language – Learning from Ageing Better


Throughout the Ageing Better Programme we have learnt how important the use of language is and the impact that the “wrong” terms can have. This learning report focuses on learning from the programme around the use of language and terminology and provides some tips based on what we have found does and doesn’t work.


Read more


Ideas on how to include accessible information


Bee Together is a Time to Shine project working with Older People with Learning Disabilities. One of the findings from the project was that people needed accessible information in order to more easily join in local groups and integrate into their community. This will help to make them feel less isolated and lonely. Easy Read information is a good way to make information accessible. This sort of information is of use to people with dementia, sight loss, hearing loss, those with English as a second language and those with learning disabilities.  


Read more


A Pan-Equalities Approach to COVID-19 Recovery Planning


In May and June, the Greater Manchester Equality Alliance (GM=EqAl) carried out interviews and reviewed data from Greater Manchester equalities organisations on the impact of COVID-19 on different communities, and the adequacy of the local response.


The report presents advice from frontline community and voluntary sector groups on where attention should be focussed to try to mitigate the many inequalities that have been exposed and worsened by the pandemic.


Read more


Greater Manchester’s Hidden Talent’s response to COVID-19 crisis


This report highlights how GMCVO-led youth employment programme, GM's Hidden Talent, has adapted to face the demanding circumstances brought about by COVID-19. As a holistically focused one-to-one employability support programme, operating under the restrictions of social distancing has posed substantial challenges.


Hidden young people frequently need support that moves back upstream beyond job searching and careers advice, and first addresses general well-being and difficulties around individual’s living situations. This report will showcase how this work has still been possible and how it has been more important than ever during the COVID-19 crisis.


Read more


Other News


Talking About My Generation


The Talking About My Generation news team have been very busy during lockdown creating content by and for over 50s in Greater Manchester. They have used their authentic voices and views to bring to life public health guidance aimed at inspiring ‘over 50s’ to keep safe and well during lockdown.


They have published more than 50 stories in lockdown – showcasing positive stories of over 50s as activists, good neighbours and volunteers during this time - and have published a magazine to share their most popular stories and lift readers’ spirits.


Read more


Salford TEK Eagles Programme


Alchemy Arts have been awarded funding as part of Salford’s Innovation Grants to deliver the latest strand of their TEK Eagles programme. The initiative is aimed at improving the digital competencies of the BAME community across Greater Manchester, with previous sessions taking place in Manchester, Oldham and Bury, and funded by Ambition for Ageing.


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Worktown Cotton Queens: A skills development project for Bolton women in the third age 


The ‘Cotton Queens’ are members of a women’s community project, run jointly by Bolton at Home and the Centre for Worktown Studies, University of Bolton, with funding from Ambition for Ageing Culture Champions Greater Manchester. The aims of the project are for women to develop their skills, confidence and wellbeing by engaging with cultural and historical aspects of the Bolton area and its community.


They have produced a book and radio play, and were featured in the programme of the University of Bolton’s Worktown Festival.


Read more


GM VCSE Leadership Group BAME Statement


The GM VCSE Leadership Group have published a statement in support of our BAME colleagues and communities in GM. You can show your support to the pledges made and commitment to facilitating change by signing the statement.


Read and sign the statement here


GM Wellbeing Grants


GMCVO, working in partnership with 10GM, have launched the second stage of a grants programme to support adult mental wellbeing in communities of identity or experience.  Micro grants of £100-£500 are available to small, grass roots voluntary and community groups.


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Comic Relief grants programme for BAME communities


GM BAME Network, supported by GMCVO, have launched an emergency grants programme to support small GM BAME led VCSE organisations and communities affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. The first stage, a rolling micro grants programme with grants of £50-£1000, is now live.


Read more


Please let us know of VCSE organisations who are at risk of closing


As part of GMCVO's response to COVID-19, we want to mitigate the very real risk of losing VCSE organisations just when we need them the most. If we have warning that any organisation is at high risk of closing soon, we can try to help. If it is too late, we still want to know - it might help us save others. Please let us know if your organisation, or any organisation you are aware of is either at risk of closing or have already closed via our simple online form.


Let us know here


Other Events


You Build Your Own Family: LGBT Foundation Report Launch & Webinar


Thursday 13th August, Online


LGBT Foundation are proud to launch their report into LGBT people's experiences of Severe and Multiple Disadvantage at this webinar.


Book your place


Emergency Grants for GM BAME Communities - online support workshop


Tuesday 18th August, Online


An online information & support event to help small GM BAME led VCSE organisations to apply to the emergency grants programme.


Book your place


Oportunities / Have your say


State of the Sector survey 2020


The State of the Sector survey 2020 is now live. We are encouraging all VCSE organisations to take part in this important piece of research so that we can once again provide valuable evidence to decision makers of the important social and economic contribution the VCSE sector brings to Greater Manchester.


Complete the survey here


Older people needed for research on long-term physical health conditions


Manchester Metropolitan University are looking for Greater Manchester residents over 65 to participate in research around ageing in place with long-term physical health conditions. They are looking for participants who:


  • Are over the age of 65
  • Are a resident of Greater Manchester
  • Have at least one long-term physical health condition
  • Live in their own home (not assisted living, or nursing/residential home)


If you would like to take part or request further information please contact


bOlder Greater Manchester Visual Artist Talent Programme for Artists 50+


Castlefield Gallery is calling for applications to bOlder 2020/21, a talent development programme for contemporary visual artists aged 50+, living in Greater Manchester who are currently unemployed or economically inactive. Application deadlineis 12 noon, Monday 28th September.


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Call for GM VCSE Leaders to become part of VCSE Collaborative


The GM VCSE Leadership Group are looking for existing and emerging leaders to join a VCSE ‘Collaborative’ which will harness the passion, knowledge and expertise in the sector to help influence policy making at Greater Manchester level.


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The GM Equality Alliance (GM=EqAl) is growing their network


The GM Equality Alliance (GM=EqAl) are growing their network to include individuals and organisations from every sector who want to see rapid progress on equality. 


Sign up here


GM Equality Alliance (GM=EqAl) Working Group


The GM Equality Alliance are also seeking new members for their Working Group - this call is for people from the voluntary community and social enterprise (VCSE) sector who would like to be involved in the core activities of GM=EqAl. Deadline for expressions of interest is 19th August.


Read more


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