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20 Feb 2017

Ambition for Ageing release first report on design of £2.5 million investment

In January 2017, the Ambition for Ageing programme launched a series of events entitled 'Growing Older in My Greater Manchester.'  The first event was a large scale workshop aimed at residents of Greater Manchester (GM) aged 50 or above and was the first in a series of activities designed to allocate £2.5 million available to develop projects and activities that take place at a larger scale than the work that has taken place since the Ambition for Ageing programme started in April 2015. The work so far has been focussed on local neighbourhoods (wards) in 8 local authorities across GM.  The report summarises the main discussions that took place during the session as attendees were led through a series of group exercises.


Since the launch event, 1 of 4 themed workshops has taken place, focussing on information and communciation.  3 more workshops are scheduled (though all fully booked) across GM to focus on culture, places & spaces and economy.  The processes used within these workshops will help to generate project ideas addressing the key areas of concern for older people in Greater Manchester.


Click here to read the report.



