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10 Jun 2019

Ambition for Ageing in UN report

The UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction have published a report which features Ambition for Ageing work on resilience in an ageing Greater Manchester.




The UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) notes that the resilience of communities and nations is a necessary condition for achieving the goals of global agendas such as disaster risk reduction. As such, the Sendai Framework was developed. This establishes that Nations have the primary responsibility for disaster risk reduction, and underlines that the responsibility is shared with all stakeholders.


In December 2018, the Framework launched an online platform where stakeholders at local, national, regional and global levels could make specific and time-bound commitments to support the Framework. The online platform aims to inform the public, allow learning and collaboration, and highlight good practice. In turn, the UNDRR could monitor, but also engage with stakeholders in the journey to build resilient societies. Twenty six commitments were made across six continents.


Ambition for Ageing submitted a commitment to the online platform, click here to read more about our commitment.


The Report


UNDRR’s new report focuses on why commitments to the Sendai Framework are important, where they are being carried out, what their contributions are to implementing the Framework and details good practice, challenges and next steps.


Our commitment, detailed on pages 48 and 49 of the report, commits to ensuring that the opinions of older people are heard when designing disaster resilience building programs in Greater Manchester.


The report notes that our commitment “sets an example”, because we “aim to work with a number of marginalized and vulnerable groups such as older people and because it displays a clear example for evidence-based policy design.”


Click here to read the full report online.

