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Making a difference
Case Study

Angela's Story

Angela had a good job at a large supermarket chain where she was a department leader. Angela’s mum, who is living with dementia was cared for by Angela’s dad, but following the passing of her dad, Angela had to take an extended period of sick leave to ensure her mother got the care she needed as well as coming to terms with the loss of her father. Angela’s mum’s health rapidly declined making it more difficult for Angela to return to work. Due to her employer being unsupportive and unsympathetic about the pressure Angela was under caring for her mum and watching her health deteriorate, whilst grieving for her dad, Angela took the difficult decision to leave a job she really loved. She felt that had her employers been a bit more flexible, she would have been able to return to the role in which she thrived and that would have been really good for her mental health.


Angela focussed on caring for her mum for several years and then found the Working Potential programme, where with support she has returned to work as a Home Service Assistant, working part-time whilst her mum is in a day-centre. At the time Angela felt too de-skilled to re-enter the workforce at her previous level and is also being the main carer for her mum, was only able to work part-time. However, with support from our community champion Angela has created a new CV, seeking out e-learning that she can fit around her caring responsibilities, which has really boosted Angela’s confidence and made her optimistic about her chances of regaining her previous level. 


So, if you or someone you know would like to be involved either as an employer, champion or as a carer, or just want to know more about the project please get in touch with Upturn 0161 652 9000 where their friendly team will be there to help you out.


In other areas:


Our Wigan coaches have been busy organising focus groups at carers’ groups around Wigan. To read about their findings click here.


Working Potential