Bringing young and old together for creative fun
The residents of the Red Bank Housing Scheme – an Extra Care Scheme facility developed in partnership by Six Town Housing and Bury Council – wanted to enable tenants who felt ‘young at heart’ to interact more with younger people.
Supported and facilitated by Six Town Housing, a project was developed to bring together residents and students from Spring Lane, a pupil referral unit based nearby. Several weekly meet up sessions took place, giving everyone a chance to share experiences, skills, friendship and laughter.
Old and young alike took part in a range of activities together over the weeks, including hand-making craft items that were then sold at a local market - with all proceeds going to funding future get-togethers of a similar nature. Both age groups gave very positive feedback about their experience of the sessions.
The intergenerational project helped to break down the perceived barriers and stigma around engaging with different age groups. It showed a real commitment on the part of the Red Bank residents to stay ‘young in mind’
New bonds have been made between generations, and friendships cemented. To celebrate the success of the project, a party is going to be help and the entire community will be invited!
Julie Bentley
Project Co-ordinator