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Making a difference
Case Study

Green and Growing going strong


Incredible Edible Salford (IES) is a social enterprise specialising in health and wellbeing programmes delivered via horticulture and forest school activities. It aims to bring together community, education and business to create cohesion in Salford via encouraging people to grow their own food.


The initiative also seeks to increase awareness of how people interact with their environment and how they can make this interaction a positive experience for all. Ultimately IES wants to be an organisation that is run wholly by volunteers.


A recent IES project took place over a twenty week period. Based at the Age UK Critchley Community Hub in Swinton, a regular group of ten people over the age of 55 met every week to learn how to grow their own food. The group took part in maintaining the IES edible bed at the Civic Centre in addition to supporting the IES garden at RHS Tatton. As a result, the group has now created their own constituted gardening group.


To complement the number of green projects in Salford, Incredible Education has put together a downloadable toolkit to dispel the fear that gardening is for experts.


