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12 Jun 2020

New report: Supporting carers back into work

This new report from the Centre for Ageing Better looks at the needs of those with caring responsibilities trying to seek employment and how they can be supported back into work. The report is based on learning from our Working Potential project.


In England, less than a quarter of carers are in part-time or full-time paid work, leaving a huge number of people who would be working – contributing to the economy and to their own personal finances – but are not.


One in five people aged 50–64 is a carer, with many having to give up work to care. However, older carers who have fallen out of work face significant barriers to getting back into employment. This report looks at the holistic approach to employment support needed to address the practical and emotional barriers to re-entering the workforce.


This paper in based on the qualitative research findings of Manchester Metropolitan University, summarising interviews and focus groups undertaken with carers and coaches from Working Potential.


Read it online here.

