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Vision & Structure




Ambition for Ageing's vision for the future is to create more age-friendly places across Greater Manchester and to empower our local residents to live fulfilling lives as they age. We believe that a commitment to collaboration is the key to succeeding.


We firmly believe that, for the programme to have a genuine and long-lasting impact, as many decisions as possible are made by older people themselves, within their local communities wherever practical.  To this end, we deliberately limit the influence of our operational committee so that individual areas have maximum autonomy.


We even involve local older people in the panel reviews that approve project applications, giving them the final say in signing-off the expenditure for new initiatives. Quarterly engagement panels as part of our governance give older people the chance to influence the Ambition for Ageing programme. 



Our principles:


  • To ensure that older people drive the design and delivery of the programme and the design and development of age-friendly communities


  • To recognise that older people are drawn from a range of social, cultural and generational backgrounds and may experience a range of inequalities



Our aims:


  • To develop tools that enable placed based approaches to mobilise, strengthen and connect target communities, making them more age-friendly


  • To use effective programme management to build the capacity of organisations working with older people in Greater Manchester


  • To gather and share learning from the programme and ensure that it is used to create a foundation for the continuing development of age-friendly places in Greater Manchester.



Our target outcomes:


  • Wards in which the programme has been delivered have become more age-friendly


  • People aged 50 and over living in these wards have increased and improved their social connections


  • That we have positively influenced the delivery of programmes for people aged 50 and over


  • That we have influenced GM strategy relating to people aged 50 and over, social isolation and age-friendly neighbourhoods.





- Leadership


The organisation leading on the Ambition for Ageing programme is the Greater Manchester Centre for Voluntary Organisations (GMCVO).


GMCVO is the voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) sector support and development organisation covering the Greater Manchester city region. Its mission statement is "to promote a thriving, effective and influential voluntary sector concerned with promoting social justice".


A dedicated Ambition for Ageing team has been recruited to work alongside GMCVO on the day to day management and delivery of the programme - see Contact Us for staff details.



- Programme Governance


Our governance processes gives older people a  chance to feed into, and learn from, our work.  The Engagement Panel, comprised of members of the Equalities Board and the Greater Manchester Older People’s Network meet every quarter to hear presentations from our Local Delivery Leads and other contractors. As such, local developments get shared further afield and the learning from the programme reaches a wider audience. We also use these meetings as an opportunity to consult with on various elements of the programme.


Following on from the Engagement Panel is the Operational Committee. This group meet to scrutinise the management and performance of the programme looking at financial managemen, sustainability and legacy, partner activity and monitoring and evaluation.